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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Resources for Working Across Difference as We Create a Just and Sustainable Food System for All

Resource Library


Mainstreams and Margins

This guide describes how every group forms mainstreams and margins and how you can incorporate this concept into your work.
Keywords: DEIJ, guide, mainstreams, margins, working across difference, worksheet

How Diet Intersects with Political Alignment

This article summarizes a study on the alignment of political beliefs and diet in the United States.

Black Liberation and Animal Liberation

Christopher-Sebastian McJetters makes connections between Black liberation and animal liberation in this recorded presentation.

Our Movement Can’t Be Effective Without Being Inclusive

Encompass explains how we can be more effective animal advocates by focusing on inclusivity.

Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable—and That’s Why They Perform Better

Harvard Business Review explores how the correlation between increased team diversity and decreased comfort levels leads to improved overall performance.
