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Effectiveness and Sustainable Advocacy

Resources to Help Build Emotional Resilience, Avoid Burnout, and Practice Self-Care to Maintain Your Advocacy Work

Resource Library


Causes of Burnout in U.S. Animal Rights Activists

This academic article describes a study on causes of burnout in U.S. activists.
Keywords: academia, activists, animal rights, article, burnout, effectiveness, sustainability, sustainable advocacy

Video: Tedx Talk: Compassion Fatigue

Laura van Dernoot Lipsky discusses the concept of compassion fatigue and how it manifests for folks working or volunteering for causes such as animal advocacy.

Finding Steady Ground

This list offers ways to ground yourself as you embark on organizing for the long haul.

4 Essentials to Organizing for the Long Haul

This article details essential steps for long-term organizing for social change, emphasizing self-care and community care.

Video: Managing Compassion Fatigue Webinar

A recorded webinar presented by Mercy For Animals team members on managing compassion fatigue, a common side effect of working to advance causes such as animal protection.
