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Building Power

Resources to Help You Organize with Other People to Make a Difference for Animals

Resource Library


Interview with Marshall Ganz

In this video Marshall Ganz answers questions about building people-powered movements to generate change.
Keywords: building power, Marshall, Marshall Ganz, organizing, people power, social change, social justice, social movement, video

Video: Creating Social Change Webinar

Our social change researcher leads a webinar on how we can seize opportunities to create social change in 2020 and beyond.

Toolkit: Seizing Opportunities to Create Social Change

This toolkit pairs with the creating social change webinar recording.

Toolkit: Building a Campaign Strategy

This toolkit presents highlights from a webinar featuring our senior vice president of programs on the topic of building an effective campaign strategy.

Worksheet: Advocacy Campaign Planning

This worksheet, intended to help you develop your own strategy, pairs with the Building a Campaign Strategy toolkit.

Power Mapping

This useful approach from helps you identify the institutions and individuals that influence your target, which could inform your campaign strategy.
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